UCSB’S Office of Education Partnerships extends congratulations to all the dedicated students who placed in their respective MESA Competitions during MESA Regionals at the University of Southern California on April 13th! Your dedication, hard work, and innovative thinking have led you to the forefront of excellence. With each challenge faced, you not only showcased your skills but also your unwavering determination to succeed.

From working on your MESA projects during class, lunch breaks, and after-school hours, you have demonstrated the power of teamwork, creativity, and perseverance. Your achievements serve as an inspiring example for future generations of aspiring scientists, engineers, and problem solvers.

Continue to dream big, push boundaries, and embrace every opportunity that comes your way. Your passion for STEM is a beacon of hope for a brighter future.

Once again, congratulations to all the MESA Competition winners!


Channel Islands High School - Coding Solutions:  2nd Place
Adolfo Camarillo High School - MESA Machine 9/10 grade: 2nd place
Pacifica High School - Moon Base 9/10 grade: 2nd place in Innovative Design, 3rd place Moon Base
Pacifica High School - Moon Base 11/12 grade: 3rd place Moon Base
Rio Del Valle Middle School - Cargo Glider 6 grade: 3rd place in Innovative Design
Rio Real - MESA Machine 7/8 grade: 2nd in Innovative Design, 2nd place MESA Machine
Rio Del Valle Middle School - Moon Base 6 grade: 1st place in Innovative Design, 1st place Moon Base